Preping the boat for the sail to the tropics

I'm on the last few items that are required to sail down to the tropics and a handful of nice-to-haves. Still waiting for the doggies certs. If they don't come in by Monday, then we will sail to St.Thomas US and get them shipped there from Jimi in FL. Retirement is not so relaxing as of today. Maybe it will be later. Just so much that has to happen to prep the boat for the future away from the USA. Jupiter is blind as a bat… not sure how I'm going to handle that - but I WILL cause he is the greatest little puppy anyone could have. We will adapt to achieve our goals.


I'm now officially a resident of Florida. I have a Driver's license and voter registration. Back home after the trip to see Jimi and change my domicile.
I have to pick the puppies up Wednesday morning. It will be nice to see them again. I also met with my banker and investment broker in Florida. Looks like things will be good. Jupiter will want an update on the finances and how money is being moved around and managed. After all I need his approval for the final management decision (I have some peanut butter treats to help convince him that I've made the right recommendation). Once I have his approval, I'll move the money.

Flying down to meet Jimi

The puppies are at Camp and I'm flying down to FL to meet Jimi and setup residency in FL. Got to dress for cool temps up here and warm temps down there.

Harken replacement parts

Ah, Harken makes a replacement for the sheave. I would hope that they would discount it since the balls were clearly destroyed by UV and the new replacement uses UV resistant balls. Oh well. All the same, the replacement sheave is cheaper that a full replacement outhaul car. It should be delivered in the next week.
Puppies are at October Camp, I'm going to visit Jimi this weekend in FLA. Have dinner tonight with some local Eastportoricans that have been great land and boat neighbor for the past 9 years. We are going to the Chart House. I want to see the renovations they did last year of the place plus the food is always really good.
Got the bilge pumps service and the engine serviced. Still have to do the generator, the outboard and check the secondary bilge pump.

Ah Boats, If its not one thing, its another

Just inspected the mast and the foil for the fuller. Then hoisted up the main. After all that I see that the turning block on the boom that manages the outhaul (a Harkin) has white bearings that are breaking… Looks like I'll be a Faucets to see if these can be replaced. Replacing ball bearings is not something I look forward to. I can just see them bouncing all over the deck :) . Oh well, the only things I have left to do are engine servicing and then packing everything down securely.

Import Reguations for puppies

Well I bent on the Genoa… Now for puppy regulations, the pups have a USDA checkup appointment on Thursday of next week. Their blood was sent to Univ Kansas for rabies testing. All of this has to return in the next couple of weeks to import them to the BVI. I'm in email communication with the BVI national Vet to see what options I may have if the result are not ready until after I have departed (after all it is a 2 week trip down there). I'm hoping the UK rabies test are returned in the next two weeks as that is what the BVI's are most interested in knowing.
Today will be work on the mast before hoisting the main, making some changes to the location of the Batt Mgnt System (BMS) and pulling and servicing the bilge pumps.
Friday the pups go to October camp for a few days. So Friday I will pull the main floor boards to service the engine and generator.

Bend the sail on

I have a couple more interior jobs to do before I bend the sails onto the boat. I'm in a debate about which head sail to use for the transit to VG BVI. I'm strongly considering the Yankee, however, the Genoa worked great for the Bermuda trip. But his time, I'm not racing and I'm going almost twice the distance. I may wait until my crew is her for that final decision, though they may not have experience with Cutter Rigged boats, they will be the ones sailing her down. I'll stall the head sail decision for a week.

The house is back in the water

Bottom all done and back in the water. It is really nice to be back in the water. I can wash dishes!
I learned something today, "The Works" toilet bowl cleaner with the BLUE Label!!! Wow, it cleans the boot stripe better than On-Off and it's not nearly as toxic and cost less than $4 for a big bottle that should last for years. Don't get the one with the GREEN Label - only the BLUE works.
It also removed oxidation for the hull when diluted with water.
Now back to the chores I had a week and a half ago… before being pulled up on the hard.

HAM Extra Exam

I passed the HAM Extra exam today. Now my focus it to finish the bottom of the boat so that I can get her back into the water this coaming week. I have faired the hull, but will need to apply another layer in some areas on Monday. Good new is that after 4 days of rain, they are calling for dry conditions with highs in the low 70's. That is good!!! Once faired, I'll have to sand then paint the bottom. So if the fairing work Monday morning, I may be able to get the first coat on by monday evening, then another coat on Tuesday (fingers crossed).


On Friday Sep 30, 2016 I retired. The dogs may be a little upset a first cause I'll be in their way. Otherwise, I've got more time to work on the boat to get her ready for and departure at the end of Oct. I'll need the time given what the soda blasters exposed on the hull. It has been raining for 4 days and that is slowing things down. I'm hoping the bottom will be done and ready to splash back in on Wednesday or Thursday.