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Jupiter is dead

Today Jupiter died on the dink while I was taking me to see the vet. I was hauling and moaning a lot… Jupiter went to join his half-brother Cinco (Greystoke Cinco Liebenshund). Jupiter was the pursuer for the SV Music (a 44ft open ocean classic Mason 44) and planned all the budgets from 2008 until now. By 2016 when I retired Jupiter was $2,000 under budget and on time. Jupiter outfitted the boat for the ISAF A2B Open Ocean race in 2016 where we came in 3rd - under budget and on time. Jupiter's been really good at making sure that all of the contractors did what they had to do on time and budget (otherwise he would woof at them or lick them). That was his job after all! Jupiter has been the best pursuer any sailboat owner could have!
I brought him home as a Puppy and Cinco didn’t like him, at all, for the first 3 days. After that they were the best of buddies and got into lots of trouble together, they even lost their weekly allowance for chewing through an 8th century Persian rug and chewing on the Fancy Chairs. Even without an allowance I always made sure they had everything they needed or wanted.
Jupiter got a lung infection on Tuesday last week and was doing okay for a while but not for long. On Friday morning something went wrong with him. He was not recovering and going down. Since then he was in pain every time he would eat or drink - and lately he doesn't want to eat or drink.
Let it be known that he was the best purser any boat could have and he has thousands of miles under his little blind keel. Given his sailing resume, any Insurance underwriter would accept you if he were on your crew!
Jupiter has been laid to rest next to his half-brother Cinco on the south side of Hog Island Grenada WI where Cinco and Jupiter can both see the Atlantic and the Carib.
I will be crying for a while. I will miss him and I know he will miss me.
I want to thank Mike for helping me dig his grave next to Cinco's and finding a Cap stone. I also want to thank Crystal of LTD for the shovel she gave me.