Live aboard to Sail Away, Part 2

Part 2:
Live aboard to Sail Away
When you decide that sailing around the world is in your future, then living aboard a boat is not that difficult. Most “blue water” boats are designed for long term life support; as such, these boats provide the basic essentials needed to support a live aboard lifestyle.
When I first started looking for a boat I had just a few basic requirements that are divide into two groups. One group for sailing single handed, the other for life. The first group includes:
      The second group:
        2) Functional galley,
        3) Comfortable aft cabin,
        4) Heat,
        5) Minimum brightwork, and
        6) Storage space.

        In addition there are a few other items to consider, such as downsizing, provisioning, cooking, cleaning, maintenance, and life aboard as seasons change. Given this basis, we began our search for a new home.